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Important Links

This section contains links to websites which have useful information for Pre-Pharmacy students.


- Pharmacy College Admitions Test (PCAT)

PCAT is required by some pharmacy schools for appliction process, most schools will post on their website the average scores they accept to their program.


- Pharmacy College Application Service (PharmCAS)

PharmCAS is required by all pharmacy schools for appliction process, generally you submit this application in addition to a school specific application.


- SDN Pharmacy Features

SDN offers students a place where they can go to ask questions about anything revolving around pre-pharmacy.


- UW Undergraduate Advising: Health-Related Volunteer Opportunities

These are some of the volunteer opportunites available in Washington State for Health professionals. 

- Washington State Pharmacy Association (WSPA)

The WSPA is good source of background information on various compliance and regilation resources as well as educate on arrising issues in Washington state surrounding pharmacy. It also provides its members with additional features such as the opportunity to discuss problems facing pharmacy today as well as the chance to discuss possible solutions in order to better serve patients.


- World List of Pharmacy Schools

This website allows you to find pharmacies both near and far, contract information for the schools are listed.


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